My Favorite Things About MommyCon & a Giveaway!

Disclaimer: The Trekking Tots is a member of the 2017 MommyCon Blogger Collective Program. This post was written based on personal experience of the 2016 MommyCon Atlanta and all opinions are our own. 

Its hard as a new parent to get out with a little baby. It takes a lot of work packing the diaper bag, making sure baby is fed before leaving, and just getting into the car. But imagine spending the day with hundreds of other parents who  feel the same way. Sounds great, right? Well I’m here to tell you it is!

Attending MommyCon is a great way to get out of the house and spend time with other like minded parents for a day. While MommyCon is geared toward natural minded parents, I have found that there is something for everyone.  Don’t feel like MommyCon is not for you if you don’t cloth diaper, breastfeed, or babywear. Most often, the parents in attendance don’t do all of those things. In my experience, MommyCon attendees are very open minded and accepting of each other for the different ways in which everyone raises their littles. In fact, you will likely find many parents just like you.

Knowing it is a baby and family friendly event makes it less stressful. Here is a list of my favorite things about MommyCon:

  1. If you forgot anything or need and extra pair of hands, there are plenty of parents around ready and willing to help as needed.
  2. The diaper stations were the best. They were clean and stocked well with diapers, wipes, cream, and hand sanitizer. There will also be high chairs and tables available for mealtimes as well as a women’s only feeding lounge for those who prefer more privacy or a quieter space.
  3. Its okay if your child is making noise during the sessions and I gurantee your child
    Walking around at MommyCon Atlanta 2016

    won’t be the only one. There will be crawlers exploring the isles and pulling up on chairs, there will be parents standing off the the side bouncing their babies to sleep.

  4. There are play areas set up in the back of the ballrooms so that kids don’t get bored while their caregivers listen to professionals speak about preventing picky eaters, the benefits of babywearing, or another one of the useful topics.
  5. It is perfectly acceptable to enter and exit as needed to care for the littles.
  6. MommyCon provides a great opportunity to try new things. There are tons of samples provided and vendors ready to help you with their products.
  7. If you have any interest in baby wearing, there are always plenty of baby wearing experts on hand to help you find the carrier that is right for you. If you are interested in advancing your current wrapping skills, this is a great place to learn.
Trying on a Tekhni wrap

This year, The Trekking Tots hopes to bring something new to MommyCon Atlanta. We want to share our love for traveling with our tots and encourage other parents and caregivers to go on adventures of all sizes. If parents want to travel, hike, or camp with their littles, we want to be the encouragement they need to get out there and do it!

Feel free to contact us or visit the MommyCon website if you have any questions. We look forward to meeting you there!

****Giveaway Alert! – See our Facebook page to enter to win two 2017 MommyCon Tickets and $10 to spend at the Tekhni Wovens booth! Giveaway runs from Tuesday, July 11, 2016 thru Monday, July 17, 2017.****

The fine print: The $10.00 Tekhni Wovens shop credit will be good for a one time purchase at the Tekhni booth at MommyCon Atlanta 2017. It may not be redeemed for cash and/or receive cash back if purchase is less than $10.




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